Thursday, December 8, 2011

Help! My Cat is Keeping Me Awake

!±8± Help! My Cat is Keeping Me Awake

"My cat is awake all night, full of energy and is stopping me from getting any sleep. It's driving me nuts!

Most cats spend a good part of their daylight hours sleeping, they like nothing better than finding a warm spot and enjoying a little snooze.

The trouble is that some cats are wide-awake when night falls and are full of vim and vigor, if your cat is one that could mean broken sleep or even entirely sleepless nights for you. And that's no joke, you need your sleep so you can be bright eyed and bushy tailed for work in the morning. You are embarrassed about being constantly bleary eyed and yawning at your desk!

So, are you sharing your home with an evil feline, a cat that has a secret agenda to torment you with sleep deprivation? No, it's not really your cat's fault. In their natural state cats are nocturnal hunters, they stalk their prey at night. Centuries ago cats ventured into human settlements because where there was humans there were rodents. This arrangement was good for both parties, good hunting for the cats and the humans had the rodent problem solved for them.

Years later the rodent problem was not so acute for humans but many found that they enjoyed the company of cats. Cats began to be kept as pets and the humans fed their feline pets so there was no need for them to hunt for their food. But the hunting instinct remains with the cats to this day . . . and so does the nocturnal instinct.

"OK, cats are naturally active at night but I really need my sleep. What can I do?"

This problem most usually affects "indoor only" cats because cats that have access to the outdoors via a pet door can slip out at night and satisfy their hunting instincts. But you may have many reasons why you prefer to keep your cat indoors.

Do you play with your cat? You should, playing is fun both for you and your cat and helps increase the bond between the two of you.

If your cat's night energy is causing you to lose sleep try a play session with your cat shortly before you go to bed, this may just tire out your cat so she or he is not so active.

Involve interactive cat toys, the fishing pole type and the toy mouse on a string variety, roll a ball for your cat to chase. Don't overdo it the object is not to exhaust your kitty but get rid of excess energy. At first your cat may only be interested in playing for a few minutes, that's okay try playing a little longer the next night.

The energy that your cat spends playing represents the energy a cat would spend hunting, and at the end of a hunt, a successful one anyway, is a meal. So feed your cat a small meal after the play session. In this way you are recreating your cat's natural nocturnal habits and it just may mean she or he will be a little less active at night.

Don't expect this to work instantly, you will need to patiently keep trying, good luck.

Help! My Cat is Keeping Me Awake

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sales - High Self-Esteem and Sales Success

!±8± Sales - High Self-Esteem and Sales Success

In the world of selling (and in every aspect of our lives) Self-dignity and self-esteem are the greatest needs of every individual. Respect and a belief in oneself are vital if you are going to reach the top ten percent of sales professionals.

Gary Smalley and John Trent tell a wonderful story from the Civil War. One of the greatest heroes for the Union Army was General Chamberlain. He was very brave. He had nine horses shot from under him, was wounded many times, and was awarded the Medal of Honor. President Lincoln and General Grant respected Chamberlain very much so they chose him and his men to be the honor guard for Confederate General Lee's surrender at Appomattox Courthouse.

When the surrender was complete, General Lee began to ride down the road with Union soldiers standing on either side of him. The Union soldiers began to laugh and make fun of the enemy's leader. Chamberlain was not going to stand for this. He silenced his men and forced them to stand at attention, present arms, and salute General Lee as he made his way down the road.

Why did General Chamberlain force his men to do this? I believe it is because General Chamberlain understood the power of respect to an individual's self-esteem. General Lee deserved their respect. General Lee needed their respect. Their show of honor must have put a little joy into what was probably the worst day of General Lee's life. If we lose our self-respect then we lose who we are and then you will not be successful at selling. General Chamberlain helped General Lee keep his self-respect. My challenge for you and I today is simply this: Let's go out there and do the same thing for someone in our sales life. It might be a prospect, a customer, or even a fellow sales professional. Who can you build up today?

Sales - High Self-Esteem and Sales Success

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

3 Simple Garage Organization Ideas

!±8± 3 Simple Garage Organization Ideas

Is your garage giving you fits? Can't find anything in it? Here are three simple tips to get you on your way to an organized garage.

Divide and Conquer
One of the basic garage organization ideas is to simply split things up into categories of some sort. For the garage, this typically means dividing things by season (summer, spring, winter, fall) or category. Categories would be things like gardening, grill items, sports equipment, car repair items. Organize your garage with the end goal in mind of making it easy for you to find things. Categorize everything in your garage with that in mind.

Another garage organization idea that goes along with this is to swap items out by season. So when you know that you do not need those gardening supplies anymore, swap them out with the rakes that you know you will need to clean up those fall leaves. Keep the items that you need for the season on hand and put the others in a harder to reach area of the garage.

What's In There Anyway
Since garages are large and tend to be an area where things simply accumulate, make sure that you take an inventory of what is in your garage. Even better, create a map of what is in your garage and where it is. Garage organization ideas like this sound crazy on the surface but you would be surprised by how much time and energy you can save by making the simple investment of time to do this one thing. It also means you will not be arguing about where things go. A simple check of your garage organization map and you can easily see where the item belongs.

Another good garage organization idea is to make an inventory list of what is in the garage and where it is in the garage. This saves you from having to hunt around the garage for that perfect sized nail to hang your new picture.

Contain The Mess
If at all possible, try to avoid having lots of loose items in the garage. Make sure that you put like items together in containers. Remember, your goal in getting your garage organized is to be able to find all of the stuff that is in it. Having the same kind of items together will make this easier. It is also a good idea to make an inventory list for each box and tape it to the front of the box. That way you know what is in the box without having to drag it down from wherever it is and rummage through it to try to find something. And avoid having a "miscellaneous" box. The problem with having that kind of garage organization box is that it tends to get bigger and collect all sorts of things that it should not.

There is a lot of small stuff in the garage that will need to get organized into containers too. Nails, screws, nuts, bolts all need a place to live in the garage. Two helpful garage organization ideas for those small items: 1) baby food jars for the very small items; 2) take the metal tops of jars and nail them under a shelf (this prevents you from losing the lids and makes sure that those containers always stay in the same place).

3 Simple Garage Organization Ideas

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